FundraisNow is the best place to fundraise, whether you are an individual, group, or organization.
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Here's how it works
Create your page in four
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Share it with your world
and beyond
Accept donations instantly with
credit / debit cards and PayPal
Raise more money with GoGetFunding
Features that help you raise money from more people
Crowdfund Anything! Causes, People & More!
Ongoing Access to Funds
Easy 4 Minute Setup
Proven Platform - Millions Raised!
Privacy & Campaign Password Protection Options
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Global, Multi-Currency Platform
Instantly Show Appreciation: Customize Automatic Donor Emails
Collect & Download Donor info
No Penalties for Missing a Goal
Safe and Secure
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Spread Fundraising Tasks: Assign Team Members
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And much more!
Successful Stories
Replace Journalist’s Stolen Equipment
An amazing 70-year-old paraplegic wanted to buy a mobility scooter to give himself a better quality of life. Loved ones fundraised to help improve his life and give him the freedom he deserved.
View Fundraiser
Replace Journalist’s Stolen Equipment
An amazing 70-year-old paraplegic wanted to buy a mobility scooter to give himself a better quality of life. Loved ones fundraised to help improve his life and give him the freedom he deserved.
View Fundraiser
Replace Journalist’s Stolen Equipment
An amazing 70-year-old paraplegic wanted to buy a mobility scooter to give himself a better quality of life. Loved ones fundraised to help improve his life and give him the freedom he deserved.
FundRaisNow is a crowdfunding website that lets you raise money for anything that matters to you. From personal causes and events to projects and more. We've helped people from all over the world raise millions online.
FundRaisNow Global Ltd
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road,
Melbourn, EC1V 2NX,
Registered company: 07005142